EULAR 2014

Lors du congrès de l’EULAR 2014 qui s’est déroulé à Paris du 11 au 14 juin 2014, 12 abstracts ont été acceptés pour une présentation orale ou par poster :

Présentation orale

▫         Degenerative changes of the spine on MRI in patients with inflammatory back pain from the DESIR cohort

▫         Classification of axspa based on positive imaging (radiographs and/or mri of the sacroiliac joints) by local rheumatologists or radiologists versus central trained readers in the DESIR cohort

Présentations par affiches.

▫         Is it worth to include MRI of the spine in the ASAS classification criteria for axial spondyloarthritis; data from the DESIR-cohort

▫         Scoring of spinal lesions compatible with axial spondyloarthritis on mri in clinical practice by local radiologist or rheumatologist in DESIR; comparison with central reading

▫         Reading of the sacroiliac joints on plain radiographs: agreement between clinical practice and trained central reading of the DESIR-cohort

▫         How reliable is the scoring of msasss in clinical practice in centers participating in DESIR? Comparison with the gold standard central reading

▫         Factors associated with a poor functional prognosis in early inflammatory back pain: results from the DESIR cohort

▫         Vitamin d, disease activity and co morbidities in early spondyloarthritis: data from the “DESIR” cohort

▫         Variable selection is not useful in the construction of a propensity score for the evaluation of tnf-alpha blockers’ treatment effect of in early spondyloarthritis: data from the DESIR cohort.

▫         The ankylosing spondylitis disease activity score (asdas): defining the best calculation method when the conventional c-reactive protein (crp) is below the threshold of detection – results from the DESIR cohort

▫         Prevalence of tuberculosis in early arthritis and early spondyloarthritis increased in comparison to the general population – results from ESPOIR and DESIR cohorts

▫         Prevalence of cardiovascular comorbidities already increased at onset of arthritis and axial spondyloarthritis – results from the ESPOIR and DESIR cohorts

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